Disponibilité : En Stock
15,55€ 48,78€

  • 2.Dumbbells can be used for a variety of exercises. Due to their size and versatility, they can be used to create a variety of movement patterns to develop specific tasks or force of movement.

  • 1.The dumbbells force the limbs to work unilaterally. Overcompensation is impossible with dumbbells, so they are an effective way to eliminate force imbalances.

  • 3The knot on the bar allows your hand to grip the bar securely. -These weight plates are secure with star collars to prevent them from slipping during exercise.

  • 4.perfect for various warm-up sports and strength training such as arms, shoulders, abs, legs or back training.

  • Hrsptudorc 35 CM HaltèRes Universels HaltèRes Barres Gymnase HaltèRes Musculation Entra?Nement SéAnce d'entra?Nement HaltèRes Accessoires éQuipement de Remise en Forme